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Table 2 The correlation factors including p-values (and significance levels) between the daily SLI values of the defined pollen season (alder, birch and grass) in the observed time period (2013–2017) and the daily mean pollen concentrations are displayed for each of the areas in Vienna as well as for a whole region (“Pannonian Lowlands”) in comparison

From: The connection of pollen concentrations and crowd-sourced symptom data: new insights from daily and seasonal symptom load index data from 2013 to 2017 in Vienna

Corr.-Factor sqrt/p-value

SLI alder

SLI birch

SLI grasses

Pannonian Lowlands

69.1/2.02e− 13***

69.3/1.90e− 8***

69.1/1.85e− 28***

Vienna East

59.4/9.15e− 12***

66.1/1.68e− 7***

62.2/1.77e− 21***

Vienna Center

56.4/1.71e− 10***

65.9/2.45e− 7***

61.5/8.58e− 21***

Vienna West

55.3/5.43e− 10***

67.9/4.96e− 8***

61.9/1.47e− 21***

  1. Significance codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 “1