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Table 3 Screening baked egg oral food challenge outcomes

From: Randomised controlled trial of a baked egg intervention in young children allergic to raw egg but not baked egg

Outcome of oral food challenge

N (%)


48 (57.8%)a


26 (31.3%)

Suboptimal test

9 (10.8%)b

Average quantity of baked egg consumed before ceasing the OFC (grams)c

Passed OFCs

9.0 (1.4) g

Failed OFCs

4.4 (2.8) g

Suboptimal OFCs

1.6 (1.3) g

Stop criteria

Number of children reaching >1 stop criterion

7 (26.9%)

I. Skin

12 (46.2%)

 A: Erythematous Rash

0 (0.0%)

 B: Pruritus

0 (0.0%)

 C: Urticaria/Angioedema

10 (38.5%)

 D: Appearance of new skin rash

2 (7.7%)

II. Upper Respiratory

8 (34.8%)

 A: Sneezing/Itching

0 (0.0%)

 B: Nasal Congestion

1 (3.8%)

 C: Rhinorrhoea

0 (0.0%)

 D: Laryngeal

3 (11.5%)

III. Lower Respiratory

0 (0.0%)

IV. Gastrointestinal

15 (57.7%)

 A: Subjective complaints (>18 months old)

7 (26.9%)

 B: Objective complaints

9 (34.6%)

V. Cardiovascular

0 (0.0%)



2 (7.7%)


24 (92.3%)


2 (7.7%)


2 (7.7%)

  1. Comments regarding Table 2: a51.8% (43/83) were BE tolerant, egg allergic (8/48 BE tolerant children had raw egg OFC, 6/8 tolerated raw egg and were excluded from final analysis). b1/9 with suboptimal BE OFC tolerated a raw egg OFC. ‘Stop criterion’ results do not add to 100% as 7/27 children failing the BE OFC met > one criterion. c1/8 of a muffin contained 1.25 g of baked egg (0.2 g egg protein), mean (SD)