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Table 1 Overview of collaborating organizations’ principal anaphylaxis guidelines 1

From: International consensus on (ICON) anaphylaxis


WAO Guidelines


EAACI Guidelines

Year of publication





Simons FER et al (10 co-authors)

Lieberman P et al (15 contributors)

Muraro A et al (28 co-authors)

Countries represented by authors

Argentina, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Italy, Singapore United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela

United States

Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom




consensus using AGREE II methodology

Length (number of journal pages)

7 page summary, 22 e-pages

4 page summary, 30 e-pages

20 pages


total: 150; 80% published 2006-13

total: 311; 13% published 2006-13

total: 133; 68% published 2006-13

Tables, Figures, Boxes, Appendices

9 tables; 5 figures (illustrations)

8 e-tables; 4 e-figures (algorithms)

2 figures (algorithms); 15 boxes; 4 online supplements

Dissemination and uptake

key figures on diagnosis and treatment translated3 and widely disseminated as posters, pocket cards and patient information cards

utilized by allergy/immunology specialists

published in 2014

Unique aspects

developed and funded by WAO; evidence-based; global perspective; key points highlighted using color illustrations; allergists’ role highlighted; anaphylaxis in limited-resource areas discussed; research agenda

developed and funded by AAAAI/ACAAI/Joint Council2; evidence-based; detailed information on triggers; specific information on refractory anaphylaxis; allergists’ role highlighted

developed and funded by EAACI; evidence-based; participants from many disciplines; allergists’ role highlighted; emphasis on practical aspects of long-term management; research agenda

  1. 1See text pages 2-3 for details, 2developed by the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, the AAAAI, the ACAAI, and the Joint Council of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 3available in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean (2014), Mandarin (2014), Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.