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Table 1 Factors associated with longer duration or more difficult to treat chronic urticaria

From: Chronic urticaria: new management options



Failure of a single labeled dose of an H1receptor blocker to control chronic urticaria

Explore quality of life

Long duration (6 months or more) at time of presentation



Up to 40% of patients

Physical Urticaria

Inquire about and test where indicated

Autoimmunity diseases/test results*


Positive autologous serum or plasma intradermal skin test (some studies)

Use upmost caution with sera and plasma

Serum IgG anti-IgE or IgG anti-FcϵRI




Subclinical activation of the extrinsic coagulation pathway (Prothrombin fragments detected) or evidence of fibrinolysis (D-Dimer > 500 ng/mL)


Basophil activation (CD203c+)

  1. *Applies to adults but not children for thyroid pathology/autoantibodies.
  2. References for Table 1: [2, 4, 1321].