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Table 1 Baseline Demographics and Clinical Characteristics

From: Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis With Desloratadine: Results of a Multinational Observational Study in the Middle East Gulf Region



   Age, year (SD)

33.7 (12.1)

Sex, n (%)



364 (60.5)


213 (35.4)


25 (4.1)

Race, n (%)



295 (49.0)


224 (37.2)


19 (3.2)


64 (10.6)

Diagnosis, n (%)



217 (36.0)


363 (60.3)


22 (3.7)

Mean clinical characteristics (SD)



8.9 (2.9)

   Nasal congestion

2.2 (0.75)

   PNIF, L/min

88.1 (52.5)

  1. PAR, perennial allergic rhinitis; PNIF, peak nasal inspiratory flow; SAR, seasonal allergic rhinitis; TSS, total symptom score.